10 Jun, 22

Compliance with subcontracting laws: In Lualaba, the CEO of ARSP reassures subcontractors of his commitment.

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During an official mission to Kolwezi in Lualaba province, Ahmed Kalej Nkand, the Director General of the Autorité de Régulation de la Sous-traitance dans le Secteur Privé (ARSP), held talks with subcontractors on Thursday 10 June. The subcontractors seized the opportunity to report numerous violations of the law on subcontracting by the main companies operating in the mining sector. The Director General of ARSP has promised to intervene and bring order to the sector to resolve the situation. The Head of State had given a special mission to the Director General of ARSP during the last meeting of the Council of Ministers, which was widely covered in the press. The mission was related to the issue of subcontracting, and the Head of State had even banged his fists on the table to emphasize its importance. Germain Mpungwe, provincial president of the Fédération des entreprises du Congo, stated that the CEO visited Lualaba to demonstrate the Head of State’s commitment to reserving subcontracting for Congolese companies.

Photo tiers

On Thursday, Ahmed Kalej visited the facilities of Construction Métalliques et Civile de Kolwezi (CMCKDRC). Compliance with the law on subcontracting: in Lualaba, the ARSP CEO reassures subcontractors of his involvement | Primeur Actu

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